Benzodiazepine or “Xanax is a type of medication that is used to treat anxiety, depression or panic disorders and works to balance out the chemicals in our brain. It belongs to the group of drugs known as benzodiazepines and it is currently the most prescribed anxiety medication that is used in the United States.
Addiction does not emerge fully formed one day in a person’s life. There are many underlying influences and risk factors that play a role in the development of an addiction. Early family dynamics often set the stage for later addictions, and current family interactions can perpetuate or exacerbate the problem. They can also be a force for healing and resolution.
If you haven’t been to group therapy, it can sound like a daunting experience to take part in. However, group therapy is a vital component of maintaining sobriety as it allows you to learn about the phases of recovery from people who have the experience to guide you through your own process. Clearhaven Recovery’s group therapy sessions will offer a blueprint for life after addiction.
In the ever-evolving landscape of the service industry, a growing number of businesses are recognizing the immense value of incorporating holistic approaches and alternative therapies into their service offerings. These innovative practices go beyond the traditional, often narrow, focus on physical or technical aspects, and instead, embrace a more comprehensive, mind-body-spirit approach to wellness and personal growth.
Alcoholics Anonymous
Alcoholics Anonymous or better known as “AA” is a group of men and women that come together to work through their drinking problem. It has been around for over 80 years and is open to anyone who would like to get sober. It is a multiracial, non-political, self-supporting, non-professional group and is available almost anywhere.